Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. - 2 Corinthians 9.7



Regular Church CONTRIBUTION Giving

This account supports the everyday running of the church. 

Please use the information below to place your contribution, by EFT, into the correct account. The church has charitable status with the NZ government and a charity registration number of CC33488

Church Contribution Account (Westpac Bank) 03 0109 0145502 00

Benevolence Giving

This account supports those in need within the church family, locally within the community and on a wider scale through HOPE Worldwide (hopeww.org). 

Benevolence Account (Westpac Bank) 03 0109 0145502 02

Missions Giving

This account supports the planting of new churches throughout our regional family.

Missions Account (Westpac Bank) 03 0109 0145502 01